

 Léandre & Loubatière (CD) Estampe - Label Confront Recordings


Forbidden Color (CD) Lingua del Si -  Label  Antenna non grata


Magrava (CD)  "Et Attendre"  - Label WVsorcerer


Magrava & L'écluse (k7)  Live au Diamant d'or - Label Soleils bleus

Ten/Sync (CD) IMO Large set of improvisers - Label  insub

NEF (CD) -With Pascal Battus Rotating surface - Bertrand Gauguet Saxophone - Label Insub 

Magrava (CD - K7) -  With Cyril Meysson Guitar. - Label Wv sorcerer

Achilles, Socrates, Diotima  (CD) IMO Large set of improvisers - Label Insub 

Als alle Vögel sangen mein Sehnen und Verlangen  
(CD) IMO Large set of improvisers - Label Insub 

Guéde (K7) - With Frédéric Blondy, Piano - Pierce Warnecke, Electronic - David Chiesa, double bass -  Label Insub

Couleurs Chimériques (CD) - With Pierce Warnecke, Laptop and Electronics. co-production BeCoq records - Carton records

Choice & Melodies (LP) IMO Large set of improvisers - Label Insub.org

13 & 27 (CD) IMO Large set of improvisers - Label  Another Timber 

Sédition (LP) - With Cyril Meysson Guitar. - Label Merdogon 

Insub Octet  One ans seven - Label Insub.org 

IMO  Archive#3  Large set of improvisers - Label Insub.org   

Non lieu (LP) - With Pierce Warnecke, Electronique - Label Gaffer records

Mouture (CD) - With Olivier Dumont, electric guitar - Label Observatory

IMO #2 Large set of improvisers - Label Insub.org

 IMO #1 (CD) Large set of improvisers - Label Insub.org


Nervure (CD) - with Olivier Dumont, electric guitar - Label Créative sources recordings

Au Dehors (CD) - with Louis Laurain, trumpet -Yoann Durant saxophones. Label: Créative sources recordings.

Live (CD) - With Franck Vigroux, turntables - Label D'autrescordesrecords

Vll678 (CD) - With Vinz Vonlanthen, guitar - Antoine Läng, voice-electronics -  Label Léo Records

RYR (CD) - With Yoann Durant, saxophones - Romain Dugelay, saxophones - Label Grolektif

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